The Near Future
In this tough time of scarcity and limited supply of resources required, I am here to give my opinions on the situation on a positive note. A year back India had nothing to fight against the deadly virus but today we have enough capabilities to fight against that but are we really making that happen?, the answer is absolutely no, the reason as per some social media experts and is the mis management of the central government. But ask a question to yourself why did the country faced this situation, did the government officials come and generated the virus again?
My opinion on this is simple, both the government and people are equally responsible for the terrible conditions today, and even today the people are not serious no social distancing is being practiced by the people and the same people want to criticize the government for mis management, mistakes are made but not only by the government.
Waking up in the morning and just giving biased opinions for the government won’t solve any problem. The crab mentality of Indians is limiting them to think further, it's not the case where the government is not doing anything, but as an ideal citizen you need to follow the responsibility of your part. Understanding one thing blaming someone for something won’t solve any problem but an inclusive solution can, so better to work as a group in these deadly conditions and let's just stop these political barriers, we have enough potential and a network that we can fight together.
Many people in the country has come up with theirs part of service as much as they can and are helping the required people, but still some honest citizen of this country are telling that the government is thief, and the same honest people are bagging their wealth by using someone’s helplessness, but still the government is the thief. India is facing scarcity of doctors due to which the medical institutions cannot expand their potential, the one dimensional thinking perspective of indians makes the situation worse for other citizens too.
If the same goes on while the future of India is not acche din, just unite as a nation don’t get wrongly influenced by people you admire and start using your own brains, that’s where you will be more benefited. We have seen people of India often accusing big corporate leaders who help us in this time of pandemic without looking for their own benefits considering that the people of the country have given them enough before that and this is the time to help the nation. The people who cannot be like them often accuse them for what they are, why don’t you stop this and start working on yourself. They have achieved their dream but people who accuse them don’t even know their dreams and goals of life.
This country requires revolution, a big revolution in terms of thinking. People need to learn something from the great achievers of the country rather than keeping an eye on their expenditure and keeping an eye on their habits and thought process. This country has produced some of the greatest visionary corporate leaders, and there is a lot to learn from them, start doing something rewardful in your life or else the same people will blame the government for their own failure. And that is the darkest future possible in this country, because people are not interested in how the things works and how to make that work in your way.
Heth Patel
May 10, 2021