Physical Health Vs Mental Health

We prefer to keep track of our bodies and our physical health significantly more than we do our emotional health. For example, we get annual physical check-ups but the point of getting a ‘psychological check-up’ is entirely weird to us.

We know that if a small physical injury like a cut becomes more painful over time it is a sign of a more serious infection. But if failing to get a promotion at work is still emotionally painful after several weeks we are unaware that we might be getting depressed

A clear distinction is often made between ‘MIND’ and ‘BODY’. But when considering mental health and physical health, the two should not be thought of as separate.

Poor physical health can lead to increased risk of developing mental problems. Similarly, poor mental health can negatively impact mental health, leading to an increased risk of some conditions.

There are various ways in which poor mental health has been shown to be detrimental to physical health.

People with the highest level of self-rated distress(compared to lowest rate of distress) were more likely to have died from cancer. On the other hand it is found that depression is associated with an increased risk of coronary disease.

Most people don’t go to a mental health professional for a mental health exam. In many cases, people only seek out a mental health professional after a crisis has occurred.Are you one of those people? And if you are, why take care of one part of your body and not the other?

Some simple steps to reduce risk of physical illness:

Eat a well-balanced diet, get plenty of rest, get routine check-ups and tests, incorporate regular exercise into your schedule.

Some simple steps to reduce risk of mental illness:

Eat a well-balanced diet, get plenty of rest, get routine check-ups and tests, incorporate regular exercise into your schedule.

Hope it helps:)

Stay healthy!!



Disha Chauhan
April 21, 2021